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“The Young Are At The Gates”

An editorial focusing on the 2024 election and the consequences of propaganda
"The Young Are At The Gates"

Throughout history, propaganda has plagued the political scene, manipulating the minds of voters. Implanting thoughts, cultivating cultures and a mindset most often being an “us against them”. These viral words and ideals work their way so far into the minds of those it infects that it clouds the vision and allows the speaker to get away with saying atrocities that would otherwise be shut down on the spot. Now, this propaganda has landed convicted felon in charge of the government. This time, that government is the Oval Office. 

Throughout the past few months, Donald Trump has run an aggressive campaign against vice president Kamala Harris. Much of this campaign has been less about policy than it has been appealing to voters’ innermost hatred and empowering voices that call for vengeance.

This cry out for justice to be served to the billionaire has been prominent ever since his loss in the 2020 election, after which many of his supporters stormed the capitol and had a noose prepared for former vice president Mike Pence. The January 6th insurrection will live in infamy, seen by many as a day of shame for our country. Despite the common consensus on this disgusting day, Trump has since called it a “day of love”

A common debate is which is stronger, love or hate. The Trump campaign has shown that surely, hate can at least be as strong as love. Many of Trump’s speeches have included at the least minor immature bullying, elementary insults that cause the crowd to go wild, to the explicit spread of hate speech. Trump has lifted up the voices of small minded people with a joke made to punch down at minorities, and his devotees lap it up. One instance of this occurred recently, in which comedian Tony Hinchcliffe made a distasteful comment about Puerto Rico being an “island of garbage” while speaking at a Trump rally.

While in debates with vice president Harris, Donald Trump spoke with more misogyny than words. Frequently attempting to belittle the vice president rather than speak on actual topics of debate. Along with his off-topic debates, interviews have recently resurfaced in which Trump talks about doing extremely vulgar things to women and playing it off as a joke. All of this without even mentioning the fact that he is a convicted felon. Many former members of Trump’s cabinet have even stepped forward to endorse Harris

The election was crushing for many democrats as they felt hope for their country slip out of their grasp. Especially for the young who had to watch, unable to vote and have their voices heard. But, there is still a light at the end of the tunnel. Many of those who were not able to vote and participate in this election will be able to within the next four years. Who knows what the next generation, our generation, will bring and what the new world dawning will mean for our future.

So, reader, I give to you one final plea from a 10th grade editor who wants nothing but the best for her country and its citizens’ futures. Whenever our time comes, vote. There is nothing to do about the election now, the voting has already ended, be that a good thing or a bad thing for whomever is reading this. But when that time does come when we enter the booths ourselves, whatever your opinion may be on the matter and the candidates, vote. As Maya Angelou once said, “History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” We have the power to make a change. Thank you.


Editors’ note: All opinions expressed on NAEye are a reflection solely of the beliefs of the bylined author and not the journalism program at NAI.  We continue to welcome school-appropriate comments and guest articles.

About the Contributor
Juliet Forrest, Editor in Chief
Juliet Forrest was the editor of the Carson Chronical in 7th and 8th grade. She is so excited to continue that job as Editor in Chief for the NAEYE paper. When she isn’t writing Juliet enjoys singing, playing guitar, and running