October 25, 2018
November 9, 2018
Q: Like many others, I am feeling stressed about time management. I feel that I am pretty good at using my time wisely, however, the homework load definitely increases from middle school to high school. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the homework being assigned, and I need to find a way to get all of it done and study for tests efficiently- not just the night before a test. This has been slightly difficult for me especially with all of the commitments I have, like several of the clubs here at school and athletics after school. I know many others are experiencing the same thing, so I was wondering if you had any suggestions for better study habits, time management, and relieving stress? Thanks!
A: Oh my gosh, it really seems that you’ve got a lot going on. And I can definitely see how balancing your school work, multiple clubs AND a sport can be difficult. I feel that the best thing I can tell you to do is to plan ahead. If you know that you have a week filled with projects and tests coming up, do a little of the studying before. I know that forcing yourself to do school work when you have the option to relax can be extremely difficult, but I guarantee you that it will be greatly beneficial. Although this may sound unpleasing, aim to do something productive every day, even when you have nothing due for a while. Don’t get me wrong, giving yourself a chance to rest and recuperate is completely fine and vital to your health, but just remember to be smart in how you manage your work. As for suggestions, I talked to the guidance counselor on what the best study habits are and ways to relieve stress, and we came up with a quite a few. Here are some of my favorites.
Study Habits:
- I would suggest taking breaks while you’re studying. Studies show that you can only focus on a certain amount of time. Your best work is done within the first 50 minutes of studying. After that, it becomes pretty difficult. So every 50 minutes, eat a little snack, watch a short Youtube video, or do what I do and frantically move your arms and legs around while calling it “dance”. This break allows for your brain to recuperate, and take a break from the stress that school work can cause.
- I know this is difficult to do for many people, but make a point to put your phone away while you work. Either leave it in the kitchen or in your room, but it should not be anywhere near you. I know that every time I hear that little “bing!”, I want to pick up my phone and see what’s going on. What normally ends up happening is you answer that one text, and then you end up on Snapchat or scrolling through Instagram. Half an hour of your time passes before you put your phone back down, and imagine if this happens multiple times. It’s a never-ending cycle that leads to you staying up later and later. So I repeat, MAKE SURE TO PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!
- Another thing I will do is listen to music while I study. However, I only do this for math or subjects that do not require heavy analysis. I try not to listen to music when I’m trying to read things because then you tend to miss details and it gets really difficult to retain information.
Ways to Relieve Stress:
- I feel that the best way to relieve stress is to find a passion, not just a hobby or a simple distraction, but something you absolutely love to do. It can be a sport, playing an instrument, or cooking. Heck, it can even be blowing bubbles. Just something that takes up all your thoughts when you do it and sort of brings you into your own little world. Do that one thing, and not only will your stress disappear, but your mood will improve tenfold, and you will come back ready to work your butt off.
P.S. Make sure to do your stress relieving activities in moderation. Go overboard and you might cause yourself even MORE stress. And no one wants that. I think.