Lauren Rogus
Lauren Rogus
NA 2015
I am Lauren Rogus a sophomore Early Childhood and Special Education double major and Art Therapy and English Language Learner double minor at Mercyhurst University. I work jobs on campus and I would say the best thing you can do while scheduling classes is that you need to find college in high school classes so you can take credits that you will need anyway off your plate when you get to college. That is the only way I will be graduating in 4 years as a double major and double minor. I also want to tell you that AP classes are not everything and that for yourself take a few classes that are enjoyable to you! High school years can be some of the best years of your life if you make them that way! So take a breath do what makes you happy and colleges will see what a great applicant you are and you will be led to where you need to be! Enjoy these years, they go by fast trust me!