Christina Del Nano
Christina Del Nano
NA 2014
I am a sophomore at Ohio State studying electrical engineering. This semester I am on co-op working at Honeywell Intelligrated, a company that designs custom conveyor belt systems for large retailers. When I was at North Allegheny I took a lot of honors and AP classes that were very challenging and I had to put in a lot of work to do well. Coming into college however, it really paid off because I was able to place out of Calc 1 and Calc 2 which are known to be weed out classes for freshman engineering students. I also noticed that my study skills were where they needed to be in order to succeed in my classes in college. I knew how to approach exams and what I needed to put in to my classes in order to do well. Taking the AP classes that I took in high school helped ease my transition to Ohio State. I am very grateful that I worked hard in high school because it paved the way for my success in the future. That being said however, I remember times when I was overwhelmed with school work in high school and felt as if the pressure of all these challenging classes was too much. I think the best advice I can give you is to challenge yourself, but also leave time for your hobbies and for yourself because at the end of the day those things are just as important too.