Do you love coffee? Are you addicted to caffeine? The NAI coffee cart is the place for you!
Caffeine coursing through your bloodstream can really wake up your brain during the dark, early, start times of 7:23.
Jennifer Mitts
Mrs. Mitts, one of the teachers at NAI that runs the coffee cart. She is a special education teacher, and her room and the coffee cart located in front can be found in room 205. She said that the cart has been more popular this year and that they use the money for taking the kids on trips.
Samantha Colaizzi
Samantha Colaizzi, one of the teachers running the coffee cart, making a cup of Hot Chocolate.
Logan McCarthy
Logan also likes the French Vanilla. She gets it in the morning. Logan also believes it is a good price.
Anthony Durzo
Anthony said that his favorite flavor is the Caramel. He also believed the price was reasonable. Anthony gets it two to three times a week.
Adam Leya
Adam buys coffee about two times a week for a kickstart in the morning. His favorite flavor is French Vanilla. Adam also said that they should get better cups because the current ones leak.
Kevin Pham
It was Kevin's first-time getting coffee. He was drinking some French Vanilla, which he thought was only, "Meh." Kevin also stated it was a good price and he might start getting it in the morning.