Don’t Let Corona Win

Learn to live in spite of the virus.

Michigan Radio

COVID-19, the new, fast-spreading virus that has taken the world by surprise.

Corona. Corona. Corona.

The Coronavirus. It’s the newly hit, fast-spreading, most talked about virus that has hit the face of the Earth in the last couple months. Everyone knows about this pandemic that has taken the world by surprise.

Due to the virus’ ability to live up to nine days, it has become evident in countries worldwide. COVID-19 is also deadly to the elderly, people with immune deficiencies, and infants. This is the fact that has sent mass chaos throughout the world.

From an opinion point of view, I would like to present some advice to those who are currently overwhelmed or frightened or both by this persistent virus.

Yes, the Coronavirus can be scary. It can be very intimidating and, considering it seems to be everyone’s main talking topic, it can be difficult to find the true facts instead of hearsay or what the media wants people to hear.

The virus is now in the United States along with over one hundred other countries. And people are finally realizing the extent of the disease which has led to people completely losing themselves in their own fear. This is my advice:

Do not let your fear of the Coronavirus keep you from living your life.

It is so easy for people’s fears to take such a tool over their lives that they stop living them. Of course, this virus is a very serious issue that has affected everyone on the face of the Earth in one way or another – it is no joking matter. But you also cannot lock yourself in a closet until the virus is contained and finally calms down.

Human nature tells people to see the absolute worse in a situation and to then start to panic without thinking through the facts. If you let COVID-19 impact your life and everything you do strictly out of pure fright and lack of true understanding, then you have let the virus win.

Now, I am not saying to ignore the Coronavirus and its advancements in this world over the next few months because it is very real and it can be very dangerous. I am saying to learn how to live in spite of the virus.

Be smart: Wash your hands before you eat, don’t touch your face, stay home if you develop a severe head cold or the flu, don’t share drinks or food. Common sense. Also try to stay informed with new developments from reliable sources. Usually, what people do know can most times lessen their overall fears.

Life must go on. Obviously, due to the intensity of this virus that can be challenging, that is understandable. But completely changing your course of life to try and quench the fear of a virus is not okay. Living in fear is not okay. Learning to live in spite of the fear is what is okay.

It’s okay to be scared or frightened because that is human nature. It’s simply what you do with the fear. To channel the fear into an effective and hopefully positive response to become educated and prepared is a better outlet.

Coronavirus cannot win. The mind is delicate and when it gets wrapped up in something on this scale, it can get lost fast. So my advice to those who are letting fear overtake them is to stay informed and smart but keep your mind in a clear space. Keep on living. Continue to live in spite of the chaos.