How Do Middle Schoolers View FID?
Middle schoolers at NA give their opinions on FID learning days.

Many high schoolers at NA seem to have very strong opinions about FID learning. However, we haven’t really taken into account what the underclassmen think of this new way of school. So, we asked the middle schoolers, “What is your opinion on FID learning days?”
Reilly Gabos- I think they are fine because they are pretty short and easy, but some of the teachers should explain what we have to do better. I think they probably should have tested it out before this once or twice.
Celia Colaizzi- I don’t know how I feel about them yet. Some of the work our team had was much harder than what other teams and schools had to do, so I think they could limit the work we do. I also don’t like how they say it’s flexible, but we have to wake up at 9 to check-in. Some of my classes could be more specific, but most are self-explanatory. They aren’t that bad, but I’d honestly rather learn in school.
Markus Arnold- I like them better because I don’t have to go anywhere, I get to sleep in later, and it’s a lot easier than a regular school day.
Ben Truesdell- I honestly think they suck, and a lot of people don’t like them because they assign too much work.
Avery Anderson- I honestly don’t mind them. I feel that it gives us something to do in our situation. I think that if they had given more explanation on some of the lessons that we are learning, it would be easier. I think it’s better because we can do work now rather than in the summer.
Kaitlin Cummins- I guess they aren’t that bad, but some of the instructions aren’t very clear.
John Nestor- I’d say they’re decent. I miss my friends, but I like being able to finish my work in two hours. If I could do it at my own pace and then hang with friends after that would be better though.
Clearly, many underclassmen seem to have opinions as strong as us high schoolers do. Many are hoping this will all be over soon, and we will be heading back to school in a matter of weeks. What is your opinion? Do you enjoy FID days, and do you think we will be back to school in May?

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