Gen Z and Misanthropy: It’s Dumb
Misanthropy and a lack of caring about others is on the rise. Is it really grounded in anything, or just embellished?
Misanthropy is defined as a “dislike of humankind”. One tends to see this a lot with people that say things like “humanity is terrible”, “we suck”, “I hate everyone equally”—most people have heard this before. And, to be honest, I can’t fault someone for thinking that. It makes sense, especially in times like these.
There isn’t a whole lot to be happy about right now, with all of the racial tensions, coronavirus, global warming—but that’s no reason to hate everyone on earth equally, as if it’s some sort of blanket defense to safeguard one’s beliefs as to not pin hatred on any one person or group.
There’s plenty of good in the world right now, such as reforesting in eastern Asia, global cooling due to the pandemic, penguin populations are increasing, and more. I think that we should look into it more, rather than assume everyone is some spiteful, self-centered ghoul-person. Remember that these were all possible due to humans. We created an issue but were able to quickly and successfully fix our mistakes.
The healthy age range of Gen Z is 5 to 24. I wanted to test a theory, however—just how many Gen Zs shared this opinion? To find out, I conducted a poll on most of the young people I knew that lived on my street. I asked them the simple question of, “Do you have a generally negative or annoyed outlook on humans?” Here’s my results.
Out of all of the fourteen people, twelve said yes, and two said no. The point is, 87% of the people I asked said that they personally disliked their fellow humans—people they’ve never even met—with a predisposition of negativity.
I was determined to find more, however. Looking into it further, I discovered that the Pew Research Center conducted a poll themselves in which they asked participants, a survey of young millennials, if they trust other humans positively. The results stated that only 19% trusted other people.
The rise in mistrust of others among millennials and Gen Z is a real cause for concern, which often gets woven into social issues—say, for what happens with younger people. According to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, their depression rate spiked by 60% from 2009 to 2017.
This is obviously a terrible social issue we should get a handle on quickly, but it’s often used as an excuse among a certain group of misanthropes who exaggerate social issues as a defense for their words or actions, going so far as to use it as an excuse to act snobbish or defeatist, well past the point of normalcy. They often shrug it off with the simple justification of, “Oh well, we’re a terrible species anyway . . .”
Don’t believe me? There’s a whole slew of side effects for doing this. When that 60% of Gen Z (and many others, too) begins to convince themselves that we are, in fact, some evil group of humans out to get the defenseless, we purposely adopt a cynical attitude and it sets in with us—and eventually, any hope we used to have begins to fade. Prolonged misanthropy and depression can lead to high amounts of stress, immune suppression, lack of appetite, and more.
The bottom line is, this really is an epidemic. Not just simply slapping the label of pessimism on something, but collectively allowing it to manifest into mass misanthropy. If you’re a misanthropist and disagree, that’s A-okay. But at the very least, re-evaluate some beliefs and consider that not everyone shares the same greedy or aggressive attitude one often sees in the news.
If one honestly believes that 99% of humans are out to get everyone else, kill each other, poach animals, cause global warming, et cetera, find the 1%. Start the change instead of expecting the “99%” to change themselves. Complaining about the 99% won’t get anyone anywhere, so please be the change. I think we could probably use some of it right now.
Sean Simmons is a sophomore at NAI. 2020 is his first year writing. Sean enjoys watching television and walking his dog in his free time, as well as writing...
Evan Turner • Oct 11, 2024 at 1:19 am
I was born in the late 80’s I was picked on as a kid and even after having friends and a few girlfriends I have come to the conclusion that I generally don’t like people I like individuals. I don’t think it’s just millenials it’s older people too. I generally don’t like people because I find the social network of people discomforting. It seems that alot of people are part of some sub group or subculture represented by a leader and so most people don’t really represent themselves as individuals they represent an entity of themselves. For me it has always been a major chain around my neck being around people because I always have to worry about not saying the wrong things. With individuals I do less of this. Bottom line is that people don’t care about the individual they care more about the functions of the group. I am tired of all the cliches, the conventions and the narratives of being in a group that just does not have a positive impact on me like the way how the individual does. So no I don’t have faith in humanity but I do have faith in the individual and as an individual I can make an impact. I have always found that to be around people is to be controlled, it’s always like being in a laughing contest with them. That’s why I think it’s completely pointless to be around people and be everyones clown. I don’t find people that funny but generally kind of stupid. I’m not part of the social network I’m part of a network of individuals. I don’t have faith in humanity but faith in the individual those who are uncorrupted by the need to be a selfish person.
SmarterThanGen • May 12, 2021 at 12:34 pm
Gen’s comment sounds rather misanthropic
Gen • Jan 29, 2021 at 9:02 am
Sometimes I wonder if they hate people so much, why don’t they just go live in the wild with other animals? Abandon their clothes, shelter, food, and other stuff like their laptops and phones and just go live with the wolves, tigers and bears. No one is stopping you. Fend for yourself because obviously the terrible, horrible human race cannot be trusted to provide you those necessities. Besides, the last thing you need is to feel forced to live with the rest of us and enslaved into interacting and dealing with such a disgusting species. Right? In this day and age, you can be whatever you want so if you don’t want to be a human anymore, go wild my friend. Pun intended.
Nuffsaid • Jan 29, 2021 at 8:50 am
I have seen many people bash humanity and even wish they weren’t humans because of misanthropy. They put animals over themselves and others and even admit to saving an animal over a human being if given the opportunity because ‘animals are better’. They self hate like a black/white man hating their own ethnicity or woman/man hating their own gender. They put such a terrible label on humanity, that sometimes I wonder if they’ve ever even met a decent human being and if they have, if their clouded judgement was so strong that they had completely dismiss this person as an ‘exception’ to ‘evil’ humanity or assume that they’re being nice/good for a selfish reason. There are people who do human projects like you say, they protect humans and animals, feed the poor and abandoned specifies, they teach love and compassion and peace and speak out against cruelty. There are even people who have taken it a step further and went completely vegan to leave as little footprint on the earth as they can. We’re not a perfect species, but I am sure as hell proud to be a human being. I was born this way and I am doing my best to be one of the good examples of humanity. I have met wonderful, kind, loving and empathetic people and I have met some terrible monsters that I can’t even call human beings but actual demons. But that doesn’t taint my mentality on humanity. I love humanity because humanity is humane, I love myself, I love animals however I don’t like cruelty, cruel acts and arrogance. And humans aren’t the only species who can be cruel or have cruel members who can taint their image but misanthropy people won’t see past their personal hatred for humanity. With a mentality like that, they become the very thing they hate, not a human being, but a terrible and nasty person.
Frank Nelson • Jan 2, 2021 at 5:00 pm
Good topic and it’s brave of you to jump into it. I’m an old man who used to be an academic. What I’m most sad and discouraged by is the negative correlation being technologically based improvements in the quality of human life and life-satisfaction. If this isn’t grounds for misanthropy I don’t know what is!