Unmasked: Taylor

Susich a sophomore at NAI is a member of the lacrosse team and loves the books Twilight.

This week’s masked spotlight is Taylor Susich, a 10th grade student at North Allegheny Intermediate. As of right now, Taylor Susich is involved in indoor tack and lacrosse conditioning before the start of the spring season. As Well as being a part of Tigerthon and Gold, Ms. Susich is alway adding to her busy agenda with NA clubs and activities. Her favorite activities to be a part of are Lacrosse, Tigerthon, and Gold. When asked to explain gold she says, “It’s a night for 8th grade girls to come tour the High School and ask questions to older high school girls that they have regarding NAI. We plan the night and it always ends up being very fun.” Covid-19 has had some influence on Ms. Susich activities this year, but nothing she can’t handle. It is a struggle to compete her best in sports with the mask always on, but she makes do. Taylor is passionate about everything she is a part of, but she is especially passionate about the book/movie series, Twilight. In her little free time, she enjoys picking up a book and reading


She is seen by her peers as motivated, confident, and always friendly. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and can make anyone smile. NAI is proud to have Taylor Susich as an active member of the student body.