How Teachers Feel about being Vaccinated?
Across the United States, teachers are finally able to get the COVID vaccinations. Here are some of the teachers’ responses on how they feel about being vaccinated and their opinions about the vaccinations.
Mrs. Watts
"I think it's a great thing for teachers to be offered the chance to be vaccinated..but for me personally since I am so close to having a baby, I don't want to get vaccinated because I don't think there is enough research yet for pregnant people. But, good for anyone who wants to do it."

Miss Grecco
"I am excited! I had my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine last week and even though it made my arm sore, it was not too bad of a process. I go back in a few weeks for the second shot and I have some nerves in regards to receiving it since I've heard there are some reactions to it. Even though everyone reacts differently to vaccines, I know that I am doing my part in keeping everyone around me safe."
Sr. Bova
"I got the vaccine already."
"I'm excited for the step toward getting this pandemic behind us."

Mr. Hull
"I am thrilled to get the vaccination because my wife's pregnant, and I am worried about getting her sick. I will be able to see my grandparents again because I am also worried about getting them sick. My kids can start going to places again. I am dying to go out to eat and go to concerts. I think it's just a good thing to do to get things back to normal."
9th Grade Social Studies Teacher
"Already vaccinated, that should answer your questions...I feel that it's a vital/intricate step in fully re-opening schools."

Sandra Crapis
"A sense of relief and safety. It's been a long year waiting for this level of protection against the COVID-19 virus."

Mr. Zielen
"Excited! I'll feel safer after getting my shot(s), but getting vaccinated is one step closer to getting back to enjoying a lot of the things I haven't been able to do for a whole year."

Traci DeGarmo
"It's a civic duty right now. Possibly not in the future but right now it should be on everyone's to-do list"
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