Holiday Magic, Chorus Concert!
The NA Choir performs at the Holiday concert on Dec. 2, 2021.
January 12, 2022
Holiday Phenomenon with the High School Choir took place at NASH on December 2nd.
The students and parents had a very lively time, however, the performance was not without COVID-related challenges. One of the Choir students, Sophomore Sameeksha Arutla said, “Well obviously Covid is a thing. We would have had a much bigger audience if it wasn’t. And then, of course, we were singing with masks so that might have just changed our sound..”
The Choir students’ sound was different, one of the challenges being the difficulty in hearing their parts through maks. But they were able to adapt wonderfully to create a spectacular, coherent sound. Choral Director Lisa Pontiere said, “I think that performing when you’re wearing masks can be challenging, and it’s easy to feel you can’t get a good breath and really sing through a phrase and be confident in the tone that you are producing.”
The performers and directors all had different opinions about which songs went best during the performance. Arutla said, “Resonet.” Just because everyone knew their part and it was really organized.”
Sophomore Larkin Brown said, “In Chamber choir, it was probably “I Love My Love” because it goes really high and I am a high soprano one so I got to kinda show off.” Pieces in different Choirs allow students to showcase their skillsets, talents, and provide the directors with variety.
Pontiere said, “So, I am not a big favorites person. I will have to say what I did enjoy this year was finding the arrangement of “Give Me Oil In My Lamp” because I thought it was a fun piece and it’s also a brand new piece out that hasn’t been done. I enjoy fresh new things and I get bored easily listening to the same arrangements.”
Choir students also shared their favorite songs. Arutla said, “‘Twilight’ probably becau
se the ballad was fun. I just liked it because that’s more of my range…. I have more of a softer voice.”
Larkin Brown also shared her opinion and said, “Give Me Oil in My Lamp” and then in Chamber choir, it was probably “I Love My Love”. Because it goes really high and I am a high soprano one so I got to kinda show off.” The love of spirituals radiates in the Choir and having the ability for Choir students to showcase their range makes them feel cheery.
Parents were excited to be able to attend the performance in person. Brown said, “They really liked it and they recorded a lot of the songs.” Parents were also able to watch the concert online. Arutla said, “They watched live-streamed. They said it was really good too and really organized.” The organization of the Choral Department is just one of the many perks Choir students have allowing them to adapt to their environment.
The Choir is composed of many different groups. The groups include the Concert Choir, which is composed of students in grades 9 and 10, the Women’s Choir, with female students from 9-12th grade, and the Honors Chamber Choir, which consists of 10th through 12th- grade singers
The 9-12 choir concert was a melodious wonder and many more amazing performances will follow in the 9-12 North Allegheny Choirs.