The Procrastination Problem

Procrastination causes many difficult problems that students have to face.
February 16, 2023
Finally! You have time to study for your math test, but you don’t want to. Instead you decide to procrastinate, which happens to you frequently. But why is this the case?
People procrastinate because they dread the emotional distress that follows with what they are doing. So when students are studying for a class, they may procrastinate because they foresee a lot of emotional distress in the future.
A reason to stop procrastinating is sleep. Many students work late into the night because they put off their homework. This then results in lack of sleep, which makes it hard to get through a school day. However, if students use these skills to put a halt to their procrastination, they will get more sleep and have a better school day.
Procrastination is difficult to deal with, because it causes students so much stress. If procrastination is put to a stop, life will be a lot more stress free. Students stress when they procrastinate, but without procrastination they might be a little bit more carefree.
Procrastination has negative effects, and they are rough. Both stress and loss of sleep is a bad thing for a high school student to go through. However, if they recognize that they are procrastinating, they then can put a stop to it. Students can recognize procrastination if they notice that they are putting off assignments. When students procrastinate they also feel very overwhelmed. Figuring out that you are procrastinating is a huge step in the right direction.
Is there a time when students procrastinate the most? There actually seems to be, and that time is while studying for a test. Instead of actually studying students may choose to browse social media, putting off the studying for later hours.
There are some simple and useful ways to get past procrastination. Freshman Alayna Donnell stated, “A lot of times I pick something smaller to do first in order to gain motivation.”
Doing something small is a great way to gain motivation. Once a student finishes a small assignment they will gain the motivation to do a larger assignment. It’s a great way to get past one of the many struggles of procrastination.
“I start the work,” Freshman Katherine Vales stated.
Another perfect solution to the procrastination problem. Just start the work! It may not be easy, but it will definitely help you in the long run.
With both techniques procrastination could go down. Instead of scrolling through various social media platforms, students could actually get work done. After students complete their school work, they will find that they end up receiving freetime as a reward. It’s a win-win situation, no procrastination with a reward of freetime.