The Average Teenager

Profiling the archetype. Thanks, NA English Teachers!zx

The Average Teenager

Society describes the “average teenager” as a social media addict, constantly surrounded with a group of friends and persistently improving technology. Although the North Allegheny school district is packed with similar students to the average description of teens, not all are so similar.

Out of about 1,400 students at NAI, a majority of teens prefer spending free time alone, studying for schoolwork or relaxing in front of their favorite television show. Tenth grade student Anum Bajwa prefers “balancing both activities equally” so that she can enjoy the pleasure of catching up with her favorite television show without any stress on her shoulders from schoolwork.

Although, numerous NAI students spend more time on social media apps in their free time than other outside school activities. Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and even YouTube contribute to some teens’ struggle in schoolwork and finals. The two most popular social media apps used by high school students are Snapchat and Instagram. Tenth grade student Tanner Duderstadt agrees that his favorite social media apps are these two attention-seeking apps.

A common decision on a Friday night to either go out and socialize with friends or stay at home and spend time alone is a common decision I make a lot. Most of the weekend, though, my job schedule gets in the way of my “social” schedule. Although, almost 100% of the time I choose the simple option of alone time with no socialization effort if my schedule is open. Tenth grader Coco DelVecchio enjoys spending time socializing with friends when she gets the chance.

As Forrest Gump once said, “There’s an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes.” Depending on their style, whether comfortably casual or dressy and exotic, the style of someone’s clothing choices reflects a lot about their personality. Tenth grader Ariana Siclari suggests a more casual style of clothing for any student attending high school. Out of the many students attending the North Allegheny Intermediate High School, most ninth graders tend to have a more dressy and exotic style of clothing, while numerous tenth grade students tend to wear more of a comfortable and casual style of clothing. Whether it be the stress of school or even being a 16 year old, tenth grade students seem to prefer comfortable clothing styles after long nights of constant stress.

Whether you are society’s view of the “average teen” or far from it, the perfect balance of the stress of high school to the pleasure of finally receiving freedom as a teen is essential to enjoying the life of a teenager.