Anonymous Embarrassing Stories
Anonymous students share the most humiliating times in their life in hopes of a good laugh.
Everyone has those times in life where they wish people didn’t see. It can happen in one second or over a period of time but even the smallest amount is enough to turn your cheeks red. Luckily for us these instances are hilariously funny and can be used in good humor.
Following are some of the most embarrassing stories from the students and teachers here at NAI. A few brave souls have lived to tell their juiciest and most embarrassing, brief moments of humor.
Story Number One: A poopy time.
I was doing my daily routine of taking my dog into the woods to do her business. I definitely didn’t want to walk into her poop area and risk stepping on anything so I put on big clunky winter boots for some protection. It turns out my dog was pretty urgent and started racing down our steep hill to the woods. With me holding her leash. I started screaming as I stumble to keep up with her, but alas two clips on my boots stuck together and suddenly my feet were cuffed. Running down a hill with your two feet stuck together doesn’t work too well so I found myself airborne, flying over my astounded dog and landing right smack in the middle of all the poop.
Story Number Two: A little too eager.
This one is short but sweet. I was in a restaurant with my family. At a faraway table I heard a waiter asking how their meal was going. Without thinking I yelled out,”It’s going well!”
Story Number Three: Not covering it up
I was at my after school activity and I was sitting on the ground with a bunch of kid’s moms sitting in chairs around me. All of a sudden I let out a loud fart and everyone looked at me. So I zipped up my backpack to make it sound like that was the sound. But that was not the only fart I had in me. I farted around 5 more times all the while zipping and unzipping my backpack to try and cover it up. I’m pretty sure the distraction didn’t work.
Story Number Four: A bumpy ride
I was in fifth grade and my parents were outside doing some yard work. My siblings and I were inside exploring the popup hamper my mom had recently bought. Being the middle child my older and younger had always teamed up against me. They forced me into the hamper and zipped me. They turned is on its side they began to roll me across the family room floor. They continued to roll me around the house and into the kitchen. I then heard a loud “thunk.” I let out a scream and my brother unzipped the hamper. He calmly told me that my head was bleeding. Long story short I ended up getting 4 staples in my head.
Story Number Five: A long way down
I was working downtown in the UPMC building, formerly known as the USX tower, on the 51st floor. There are stairwells on the opposite corners of every floor. I needed to go down two floors so I decided it would be easier to take the stairs. I found out the hard way that the particular one I choose locked you inside until you reached the first floor. I was forced to walk down 51 stories of stairs. The entire way down i had to pee but I thought I would be able to wait till I reached the lobby. When I reached the end of the staircase I couldn’t hold it anymore so I peed myself right there in the bottom of the staircase.
Story Number Six: So many freckles
I was age 9 and frolicking around in the waves on our family vacation. Before I knew it, a huge wave came and knocked me to the ground. I was having some trouble getting up and this one lady apparently thought I was in danger so she decided to come and lift me up off the sand. That is all well and good but she had been sunbathing on her stomach with no bikini top on. She didn’t think to put one on and she sprinted over naked from the waist up and lifted me. All I remember thinking was “oh my word so many freckles!” 9 year old me was very scarred.
Story Number Seven: A bad day
I was in preschool and very proud of my building structure I had made during playtime. This one kid comes over and decides to knock it all down and laugh in my face. Now maybe he was trying to be funny but 5 year old me was all business and slapped the kid hard across the face. Right when the teacher looked up. Then I had pre-school timeout.
Story Number Eight: Quick relief
One time I was at a softball game and I really had to pee. Like it came to the point where it was hard to walk without peeing myself. I was next to bat and it occured to me that I wouldn’t even be able to run the bases. I didn’t see any porta potty near me and I knew I didn’t have time to use one so i just peed in the dugout. I didn’t even drop my pants or anything, I just stood there and peed. Literally mid-pee they are like calling my name saying Im up to bat and my teammates are coming to look for me. I’m trying to make myself pee faster. Then I ran out there and hit the ball. When I got back, I very subtly pointed out to my teammates and said I think someone spilled their water there but i’m sure they were suspicious.
Story Number Nine: Tickle monster
So when I was in pre-school I snuck out of the classroom to go do something I wasn’t supposed to be doing in the hallway. Someone must have let the teacher know because she came out to come and check on me. To distract her from whatever I was doing I ran at her at full speed and tickled her with all my might. She took me back to the classroom.
Story Number Ten: Tooth Fairy
I was in 1st grade and I was due for show and tell the next day. Lucky for me, my older sister in 3rd grade had just lost a tooth and put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy to find. I seized the moment and with a stroke of genius I reached under the pillow and pulled out her tooth and slipped a few coins under for her to find. I then brought it into the class and made them look at it. My teacher was absolutely horrified. Years later I found the tooth and gave it back to my sister.
Story Number Eleven: Periods stink
In seventh grade I was in my science class and I had a female teacher. I didn’t know but my period was due that day. I got up from my chair and we went to work on a project outside, far away from the classroom. I got up to go to the bathroom and my friend said there’s a puddle of blood where you are sitting. My friends and I all had to go to the bathroom and grab all the paper towels to go clean it up. We told my teacher and I changed into my gym clothes.
Story Number Twelve: Hockey cards
I was in fourth grade and i was at school and I was sick because I didn’t want to miss school
We were lining up in the hallway and I bent down knowing i had to throw u so i stood up and I throw up all over this kid. All the kids were watching as I threw up on this poor kid. So i went to the nurse and went home. The day i after I felt bad so I bought hockey cards for him and brought them in for him the next day.
Story Number Thirteen: Tight spaces
We were at the nash for the beauty and the beast musical auditions. I said what are the odds that I fit in this locker, the person closes the locker and I said ok now open it. But she said wait a second i want to get this on snapchat. So she videos it. And she was like it won’t open. So i was like yeah okay. And she was like no it actually won’t open. And I freaked out because I thought it was a joke. She says I have to leave my moms here. I’m sitting here in the locker by myself because she went to go find people. She goes to get people and they are trying to figure out how to open it. It was summer so there were no custodians and no one knew the combination. So we called the head custodians and he had to come from his home to open it. I came out sweating and in tears but laughing.
Story Number Fourteen: In a rush
I was on a road trip and I pulled over to a restroom stop to go to the bathroom and get some snacks. I had to go pretty bad so I ran into the bathroom there. After I was finished I came out to see a man washing his hands at the sink. Me being a woman, I was quite surprised. After a long thought process I realized I was in the men’s restroom. I ran out of there SO fast and hid behind the postcard rack. As soon as the man got out he went to his wife and started whispering about me. Embarrassed, I slinked out of the restop.
Story Number Fifteen: Tree Hugger
When I was five years old my brother and my uncle took me on a hike in the woods and they both tied me to a tree for two hours and then I peed my pants and started crying.
Story Number Sixteen: Bed Wetter
Whenever I was younger, like 12 years old, I peed my bed every night.
Story Number Seventeen: Things falling into place
I was at bed bath and beyond and I was shopping for my daughter’s birthday. Suddenly everything on the rack started falling. A bunch of lamp shades fell all around and I tried to catch it with every part of my body. When the chaos ended, I had to take a broken mirror and go pay for it while my daughter laughed hysterically behind me.
Story Number Eighteen: Falling for my crush
One time when I was in 5th grade I was talking to my friend about how in love with my crush I was. Then I turned around and he was right behind me. I ran away and fell down the stairs.
Story Number Nineteen: Tire marks
One time my friend and I were riding bikes in my neighborhood. We mistakenly crashed into each other and I flipped over my handlebars. I got tire tread marks all over my shirt.
Story Number Twenty: Broken dignity
Earlier this year I was at my friends house and we decided to climb this tree. My friend told me that if I go all the way to the edge of the branch I would be able to swoop down and hop off the tree. I got to the edge of the branch and it snapped. I fell like 20 feet to the ground. Later we had to drag the giant branch into the woods because my friends parents would be mad if they found out.

Jamey Simon is a sophomore at North Allegheny Intermediate. In her free time she likes to laugh and hang out with her friends, family, and puppy, Molly...

Evelyn Wiethorn is a sophomore at North Allegheny Intermediate. This is her first year in journalism and she is excited to start writing! Outside of school...
? • Jan 23, 2025 at 7:23 pm
I agree with A and Number 4 ia bad
A • May 25, 2021 at 10:10 am
They’re all funny but I think number 15 might be abuse. A childish prank from the brother but the uncle being in on it makes it different.