Drugs on the NAI Campus


Marco Verch

Image from Marco Verch on Flikr

Speed, Juul, vapes, downers, uppers, addy,  all these terms and many others are all common phrases for drugs that teens hear on a daily basis, through their friends or the media. One could almost say they are almost used nonchalantly, with no one giving a second thought to what they are referring to. Yet it is a point of controversy and debate of how big or small drug use is among teens, and around here, how common drug use is in North Allegheny Intermediate by students on campus.


In the United States, drug culture is often associated with teens, and for good reason. With a large number of adult drug users starting as teenagers, 60% of teens aged eighteen reporting they have taken at least one alcoholic drink, 5.90% to 8.60% of teens admitting they have abused amphetamines, about 20% vape (just under double the amount last year), and a whopping 43.60% of seniors saying they have smoked marijuana! Luckily overall drug use has decreased, it nevertheless continues to pose a problem in many communities. 


But, compared to the rest of the nation, how does North Allegheny Intermediate High School compare? Today we take a look at that, by asking the students themselves to get the facts. A survey of 114 students at NAI conducted earlier this month showed some surprising results. We also feature an Interview by officer Metzger on his perspective on it.


Of the three people who reported seeing drugs not listed in the graph, saw oxycodone (an opioid), another saw alcohol (a central nervous system depressant), and one reported LCD, a dopaminergic Hallucigen.



37 of those 48 people answered where they’ve seen drugs, unsurprisingly, the most common place was the bathroom.

Though it may seem like we are below the national average for drug use, the survey was only on drugs on the NAI campus. Not drug use out of campus by students.

Notably enough, many people who participated in the survey were divided on just how prevalent drugs are here, with little in the middle. This is likely who the respondents associate with.

Two separate students’ views they put on the survey about their views on drugs at NAI, humariously submitted just minutes apart. Demonstrating the contrast NAI views drugs on campus.