Ms. Ziemski


Eliza Toomey, Staff Writer

You started your career as an English teacher, so what made you decide to switch professions?

I wanted to get my masters degree in curriculum and instruction, but I felt that there was something more that I was missing. When I went to talk with with my advisor, she was trying to fill the library program. Before this point, I had never considered becoming a librarian. As I child I loved to read, but I lost interest during my high school years. When I started taking classes, I fell in love with reading again and wanted to help kids who hated reading find books they loved too.


Can you please tell us about your blog, Cat-alogers, Unite!?

As a librarian, people are always asking me what I am reading. I wanted to create a blog to keep my students up to date with my latest favorites. I am also your typical cat-loving librarian. When my students found out about my cat, Gary, they became obsessed with him. I turned their love of Gary into an incentive to get them excited about reading. My sister then came up with the idea to incorporate Gary into my blog by rating books based on Gary’s paws rather than stars.

(Check out Ms. Ziemski’s blog: )


The library has undergone several incredible renovations this year! Would you be willing to share any goals that you have for the library next year?

While I have several goals for the library next year, I am not sure if anything else will change because of all of the renovations we did this year. Ideally, I would like to get new carpet and creative lighting to brighten up the space. We are also planning on putting drywall above the windows and working with the art department to incorporate student artwork on the walls.


With the rapid integration of technology in schools, how has the library changed since you were a student and how do you see the library changing over the next decade?

When I was a student, libraries had no technology. Instead, there were card catalogs, hardback books, and large atlases. Now, however, I think that the key to a great library is balance. This is an exciting time for libraries because the mixture of old and new resources such as ebooks, hardback books, laptops, and iPads allows students to use the library in so many more ways. Each librarian is different. Some continue to stick with tangible, hardback books, while others have welcomed the integration of ebooks. I think it is important to meet in the middle and find that balance between a traditional and modern library.


What other hobbies/activities do you enjoy besides reading?

I am a huge Pens fan, I do a lot of yoga, I refinish furniture, and I enjoy spending time with my family. Recently, I have also been busy planning for my upcoming wedding.


When books are made into movies, there are always great expectations. Sometimes we are thrilled but more times than not we find ourselves thoroughly disappointed. In your opinion, what is the best/worst movie remake of a novel?

Best: The Kite Runner, Little Women (1994 version), and Gone With the Wind– These are all excellent book to movie translations.

Worst: Peter Pan– The Disney movie is nowhere close to the novel.


Do you have a favorite book or books?

Peter Pan by James Matthew Barrie

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott