Snow from the tree above falls on his shoulder, setting off every nerve in his body and freaking him on the inside, but he never flinches. “Dude, just breathe,” Cynthia comments as she spectates through...
I scurried down the vent to my family, bringing home my most prized possession, swiss cheese. This was one of my more lucky finds in the cafeteria. It was lying on the table, begging for me to take it...
The ends have started to meet
Everything falls in place
I feel light on my feet
today is the day
I skip as afloat above the sky
Seeing cars pass me by
It makes me cry happy...
Throughout NAI, shoes are an important part of expressing a person's individuality. NAI's shoes represent the culture and ethnicity within North Allegheny. Here are some of NAEye's favorites.
It was the last period of the day. I was sitting in my math class, half-listening to my teacher talk as I counted down the minutes until the bell would ring. Suddenly, just as the clock struck two, the...
I heard someone say gay people can’t do math
Now, this can’t be the case
Math has been my ally from the beginning
My parents introduced this idea
To a third grader
That negatives...
In the midst of the chaos in our world, it is nice to just stop and take a look around. A chance to forget about everything that is going on in today's society. A moment to clear your head about the coronavirus,...
You can’t stand backwards on stairs
Fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing
You stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed
When you bite down on something,...
“Big Brain”. compliment used by gen z
Definition: A term used to praise another peer for using their own personal intellect
Used in casual conversation most likely when a peer says...